Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Crime of the 21st Century

Check out this article from The Register.

This shit is getting twisted. One guy kills another for stelaing virutal property. Thank god I don't play those games.


Blogger Paul said...

Interesting article/issue. Without Pete's counsel and only based on the little bit of info in the story, sounds like the virtual sword is property to me. The story reads as if he sold it for real money. Further, when the sword was lent and sold to another person, the lender/seller gave up rights to and use of it.

If the point of the game company's attorney's comments was that the item couldn't be property because it was "data", well then I guess his company won't be charging me for purchasing his game or upgrade as a download, eh? After all, it's just data.

Lesson of the article? Virtual sword or bag of bunnies, don't borrow something from someone and sell it. If you do it anyway, give them the money or they might stab you.

3:52 AM  
Blogger Philip Young said...

Yeah, there have been lots of discussions about property in games like this. There are lots of auctions on Ebay of characters and items from these types of games that people can purchase with real money. Kind of gives you a jump-start into the gaming system. Whether it falls under real property laws is a question I'm sure Pete could put some insight into it for us.

3:00 PM  

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