Friday, February 18, 2005

Wow, What a Week! Part 2

Well, by Monday afternoon, Yvonne is convinced that she has a kidney stone. She has gotten them after the other two pregnancies and, while early, this one came 14 months after pregnancy number three. I rush home from work, get the kids all packed up to go to their Dad's house, and load everyone in the car to head off to the acute care center down the street. The kids dad meets us in the parking lot and picks up the kids. I take David and Yvonne into the center and get checked in.

The acute care center is a wonderful thing to have just down the street. It never seems to be too busy and can handle most of the emergency room stuff without the headaches that an ER visit can cause. Very friendly, they seem to get the job done. Unfortunately, while they were able to get her pain to go away with yummy narcotic drugs, they can't scan for the stone because they don't have that kind of equipment. So, I pile the 3 of us back into the car and head down to the hospital ER to do the rest.

We get to the regular ER around 8:30pm and get checked in there. We wait maybe 15 minutes before we're taken back to ER for more pain meds and to prep for the catscan. Yvonne gets the scan around 11:30 and then there is more waiting, this time for the results. The doctor finds 3 stones. One is on it's way out, two are still in the kidneys. The traveling stone is 6mm in diameter. OUCH! I know I wouldn't want to pass that thing. One of the ones in her kidney is 9mm. ACK! After that, there isn't much they can do. We ended up leaving the hospital at 1:30am, but had to go back at 4am because the pain killers made Yvonne nauseous and it wouldn't go away. Finally, at 7am, the three of us got home and all crashed to catch some shuteye.

The 6mm stone that is on it's way out will only be passed by drinking a lot of water and walking a lot. And, if it's not out by Tuesday, they are going to go in with a laser and zap it. Since Yvonne is not to anxious to have that done we're doing lots of walking and drinking lots of water. And crossing our fingers.

Now we just have to cross our fingers with next week. Lots of Dr appointments and a possibility of 2 surgical procedures. Ugh!


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