Thursday, February 03, 2005

A nice post for a change

Hi everyone. All two of you. I figured I would post something up today since Thursday seems to be my favorite day to post. Now that the holidays are over, my life can try to get back to normal. School is in full swing for the kids, David is starting to walk, and the Super Bowl is coming up this Sunday.

This will be the second year that we go down to my in-laws to watch the Super Bowl. It makes for a nice little get together with Yvonne, David, and Yvonne's family there. Sue (Y's mom) makes something delicious for the party. This year I'm making chocolate tapioca pudding while I'm there. David will get to play a lot. I'll bring the Xbox down for some games on the big screen before the Big Game. It was fun last year and I'm sure it will be a blast this year.

I find that I never go out to bars to go watch the Super Bowl. I guess I'm just more comfortable at home or a friend's/relative's house. More laid back.


Blogger Peter Young said...

I think the fact that you don't drink may contribute to the infrequency of your patronage of drinking establishments.

1:40 PM  
Blogger Philip Young said...

Oh sure, leave it to my brother to offer the logical comment. It's too bad that most drinking establishments that we used to go to didn't offer free refills on sodas. Maybe I would have gone more. I find paying $3+ for a glass of pop a little high.

Besides, Sue's making ribs. Yummy!

5:17 PM  

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