Friday, January 28, 2005

Idiotic McDonalds Obesity Lawsuit

First, check out this article on

Can no one be responsible for themselves or their children? The plaintiffs are two youngsters who blamed their obesity, diabetes and other health problems on Big Macs and Chicken McNuggets. This is utter nonsense. McDonalds forces no one to eat their food. It's not addict-forming like tobacco or alcohol. Plus, if they are going to blame anyone, they should blame their parents who let them eat all of that food.

Now, I'm a big guy. I've been overweight all my life. I ate a good amount of McDonalds in my youth. Even now while I am older and wiser, I stop in at McDonalds at least once a week to partake in the occasional Quarter Cheese or Chicken McNugget. Should I blame my obesity on McDs? More likely I should blame it on a combination of my eating habits and my lack of an real exercise. Even if I ate McDonalds every day like that idiot who made the Super-Size Me movie, should I be able to sue them for selling food that isn't healthy?

That would be like suing beer manufacturers for giving me liver problems from drinking too much. Or, better yet, lets sue the makers of sugary soft drinks (Coke, Pepsi, etc) for rotting out my teeth with all that yummy pop.

Can't anyone in America take some responsibility for their own actions?


Blogger magicalsprite said...

Responsibility? Now that is a novel idea in the US today. Just look at the Iraq situation or 911. Who is responsible for those? Oh yeah, some of the scape goats that have been kicked out of the government. Isn't it just so much easier to pick a scape goat and let loose all your problems on them? Sounds like my ex husband when he gets depressed about his life. It's all your fault that you took his family and wife and left him all alone you know?! Oh, we might get sued...maybe we should worry.

3:24 PM  
Blogger Peter Young said...

Oh I don't know. The other day a had a real hankerin' for a real good and juicy hamburger. You know, on a fresh warm bun, a little lettuce, onion, pickle and mustard.

But since McDonald's was on the way I went there instead. McDonald's be blamed for making things easy. I mean they are able to make us consume truckloads of marginally passable food year after year after year. Surely, we are so superior that we would not fall victim to their wares unless they had some nefarious hold upon our very souls.

But for McDonald's I would: eat a wonderfully nutritious diet; be at my ideal weight; have more money than I could spend; be substanially more attractive; have better behaved children; have a nicer car, house and motorcycle; be able to dance; have fame and fourtune; live in a more peaceful society; and be completely assured of my place in heaven.

Damn that Quarter Pounder with Cheese (or for those in Europe "Royale with Cheese").

3:16 PM  
Blogger Philip Young said...

I am a McDonald's Zombie! Eat Big Macs!!!

5:30 PM  

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