Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Summer is Officially Over!

Well, maybe not according to the calendar, but it is for me. Labor Day weekend is the last blast of summer. Kids are back in school. Football season starts in 3 days. Those fall/winter bowling leagues are beginning. Time to get myself back to that familiar groove every school day: Get up too damned early, put Michael on the bus, go to work, come home, make dinner, put kids to bed, go to bed too damned early. People who know me would find it hard to believe that I wake up at 6:30 every morning (or at least every morning when there is school). Yes, that is 6:30AM. Michael catches the bus at 7:30, so we (Yvonne and I) have to wake up, get Michael up, get him dressed & fed, get myself showered & dressed, walk him down to the bus stop, wait for the bus, then get into my car and go to work. The twins have afternoon pre-school, so they don't have to wake up if they don't want to. Sometimes, the other kids wake up when Michael does, and sometimes they don't. Yvonne gets a nice break most of the days since now Michael is at school all day, and the twins go middle of the day, so for a few hours she just has David and he tends to take his nap at that time.

During the summer I get to take a break from all that. I can get up an hour later. I don't need to go to bed so early. The kids can stay up later. Things are more easy going. But now summer is over and it's back to normal for me.


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