Thursday, July 21, 2005

Divorce and Friends

I find it rather odd that many people think they have to take sides in a divorce situation when it doesn't really involve them. Take for example my divorce. My wife and I split up 2 years ago. The divorce was final back in Sept of 2004. We had many of the same friends both before and during the marriage. Now that the marrage is over, some of our friends only talk to me and some of our friends only talk to her. Also, some people still talk to both but that's more the exception than the rule.

I don't really get why people would choose one over the other. Were they only friends with someone because of their spouse? Do they feel like they are betraying one of us if they talk to the other one? Do they want to stay away from any kind of controversy? Do they not want to get into the middle of something? Maybe another reason I can't think of. I don't get it.

I don't really have any experience being in that situation. I am the first of my friends to go through a divorce (that I know of). I'm the first of my family to go through a divorce. Since I never went through this on my own, I'm just guessing on why people would act this way.

Opinions? Feedback? All is welcome.


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