Monday, August 08, 2005

More Naked People in Games

Check out this article on Tom's Hardware Guide. Beware, the pages may contain naked pixels. Don't click on it if you are under the age of 18, are shocked and offended by naked people, don't have a sense of humor, or all of the above.

I've known about these types of mods before, so it's not news to me, but it is damn funny to see a collection of a bunch of them in one place. Seeing those pictures makes me laugh more than anything. It's amazing how easily people will allow themselves to get offended. I saw this article and laughed my ass off. Would love to hear comments on what you guys think about all this.


Blogger Paul said...

Well, I'm over 18, rarely offended by anything, and think I have a sense of humor so I went all in and clicked.

My initial reaction was why go to all the trouble to access these patches and mods when it's pretty easy to check out images of real people on the web. I mean, it'd be funny one the first time everybody saw it on the monitor. After the first big laugh, the novelty would wear off quickly and the reaction would be "oh you're playing naked Lara Croft again." Eh.

I'd play the games this way, though, just because I could and just to be different. But hey, if I could have played Donkey Kong with him throwing striped sea bass instead of barrels, I'd have done that, too.

Actually, the nude mod collection reminded me of a website I found a few years back. A guy (I assume) had started with photos of nude women in alluring poses and digitally painted superhero costumes on them. He just colored the image - didn't chnage the textures at all. First, the paint jobs weren't all that great to begin with. Second, you could easily make out nipples, genitals, pubic hair. It wasn't sexy and it wasn't good art. "Look, it's Black Canary and there's her nips and bush. Great." You know, if you'd take this coloring away, I can check out the naked chick.

2:50 AM  

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