Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Another Game a Problem for Take-Two & Rockstar

Check out this article on Gamespot.com.

Florida attorney Jack Thompson, a very active anti-gamer (I had no better way to describe him) is starting to work on another of Take-Two's games, and it's not even on the market yet.

Bully, a game where you play a kid at school navigating through the pressures of dealing with bullies, teachers, girls, etc. is supposed to come out later this year. It's currently rated M. Wal-Mart, Game Stop, and other stores are pre-selling it. Thompson complains that none of the stores are screening for ages, that it's not appropriate for children, etc. So, he sends a letter to Take Two to get them to not publish the game.

Now, maybe i don't get it, but if the stores are selling the games to minors, why is he complaining to the manufacturer of the game. Shouldn't he complain to the stores instead?


Blogger Paul said...

Great post, Phil! Same old, same old, eh? I'm sure it's a fine game with lots of playability and action and cool stuff going on, but my first thought after reading the details of the game is that it sounds too much like boring real life. Who'd want to play a game about going to school? I don't want to play a game about driving to work and answering phones.

Whackiest bit was when a clicked through to the bullying online website (link from Gamespot). One of their news items asks the public to refrain from buying bootleg anti-bullying wristbands off the internet. This is a clear sign of several things, first and foremost that the wristband craze is beyond over. Approaching the uncool stage any day, if not there already.

4:40 AM  
Blogger Philip Young said...

First, don't tell Tony that the wristband thing is over. I think he's got around a dozen of them now.

Yeah, Bully is not really a game for me. However, there are lots of games out there that are not for me. That's the nice part about video games. There is a wide variety of games to play. Some selections are good for kids, some are good for adults. Games of all types exist. Just because a game is not made for everyone, or approprite for everyone does not mean that it shouldn't be made or sold.

That's the whole unfortunate thing about all of the game "controversy" lately. People are working on getting games off the market because they are not apporprite for their children. Well, not just kids play video games. Many adults play games. You play them. Pete plays them. I play them. All my kids (except for David) play video games. And we all play different types of games. Michael tends to do platformers like Mario Brothers and Sonic. Pete leans towards sports and pirates. I play mostly sports, racing, and fighting games but dabble in others. Different people like different games.

There is a place for mature rated video games. It's certainly not in the hands of 14 year olds. But an adult who wants to play one should have access to it. No one is forcing anyone to buy games against their will.

Also, I find it difficult for some people to demand that something is taken off of the market just because they don't like it. Do they think that everyone holds the same feelings they do?

11:10 AM  

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