Thursday, July 14, 2005

Harry Potter Evil?

Check out this article on Entertainment Weekly's website.

Well, it seems that the new Pope is saying that the Harry Potter Series of books is currupting todays christian youth. I'm amazed that the Pope can't tell the difference between reality and fiction. Harry Potter is a work of fiction, not real. Would the Pope like all stories everywhere to be christian stories?


Blogger Paul said...

What's the big deal - this isn't anything that hasn't happened plenty of times before. Plus I bet lots of professed Catholics will be snapping up their own copies this week.

I don't remember exactly when I had this conversation, but it was with a co-worker, devout in her beliefs but not Catholic. Anyway, we were all chatting about the Potter books when she filled us in on her opinion that pretty much matched the Pope's - short-version: supernatural powers not from God must be wicked - therefore, Harry Potter stories not good, clean, wholesome fun. The fiction vs. non-fiction fact didn't matter. Her opinion was that stories of this nature were contrary to her beliefs.

We then countered with what I thought would get her: What about the Wizard of Oz? Surely this is a story beloved from her youth? Wizard of Oz has wizards? Shouldn't we condemn that along with the Potter series? She said that no, the Oz stories were fine because the Wizard of Oz turned out to be a false wizard - he was a real man. The Harry Potter stories present a world of real wizards. Thus, Potter bad, Wizard of Oz okay.

Want to take it back further? Fill in whatever blanks you want - at various times in recent history, this story could have been written about - pokemon, dungeons & dragons, rap, rock 'n' roll, jazz, liquor, etc.

See you Saturday?

6:53 AM  
Blogger Peter Young said...

Dude, since when did you start caring about what the Pope thinks?

12:40 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

Yeah, when was the last time you two spoke? He never phones anymore just to chat. Have you seen his new hat, thought? You know, I think it makes him look older - just not a good look for him. And that new place of his. Holy cow, a little overboard, don't you think? What's he trying to prove? And all those parties. It seems he has another big crowd over almost EVERY WEEK! Wonder what his new neighbors think?

6:32 AM  
Blogger Philip Young said...

Well, I tried calling him the other day to talk about this stupid idea that non-religious fiction is bad for humanity, but i had to leave a voice message. He never returns my calls anymore.

10:04 AM  
Blogger Paul said...

Chuckled at a letter to the editor in today's Trib - essentially said that the Pope should quit worrying about children's fantasy novels and focus on something that could really harm priests.

10:18 PM  

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