Friday, May 06, 2005

Two Weeks Until Star Wars

Well, in two weeks the saga will finally be finished. I've seen every Star Wars movie in the theaters multiple times and I'm sure I'll see this one as well. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll make it to the midnight show to see the first showing, since that isn't very easy to do with you have a bunch of kids living with you. Sixteen-month old son is not good with late night movies. That's ok. I'll probably end up taking my 14 year old son to see it instead. He's been counting down the days until it comes out.

I've been reading reviews of it done by Star Wars people and the response seems to be pretty good. Tony and I have finished reading the book and he's looking forward to discussing it. However, we haven't had a good oportunity to do that since other people are around that don't want to know the story yet. I'm sure we'll find time soon.

After I see the movie, I'll probably put up a review.


Blogger Paul said...

Yeah, I think it's gonna be a good one. You can't go wrong with more Wookiees!

8:31 AM  

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