Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Summer Changes

Well, summer break is almost here for all the school kids. To me and my wife it's not much of a break. No more school means that all 4 kids are home with Yvonne all day now. No 3 hour breaks for the next 3 months or so. For me, it means I don't have to get up to put the kids on the bus. That's actually a disadvantage since without that reason to get up, I tend to hit the snooze button more. That makes me late to work. No fun at all.

The kids will like it. They can stay up a little later. They won't have the alarm waking them up in the morning. Plus, now David is sleeping in the same room as they are. They seem to like that so far.

I'm guessing there isn't much change for people who don't have school-age kids. There wasn't much difference when I didn't have any kids that lived with me. That's all different now.


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