Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Missing Midnight Madness

Tomorrow is the release of Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith. Tonight at Gurnee Cinema (among other places) they are having a midnight showing of the movie. I've gone to the midnight showings of Eps 1 & Eps 2 and they were a blast. Unfortunately, I'm going to miss the midnight showing of Eps 3. Instead, my wife and my oldest son will go see it on Friday.

Now, Tony and I have already read the book so we pretty much know what's going to be in the movie, but my wife has not. She's been trying to stay away from spoilers so she can see it with much info beforehand. I've been reading reviews and such online and it seems like this one can be an excellent comeback from the letdowns that were eps 1 and 2. Now, I'm not saying that 1 & 2 were totally bad movies, but they just didn't have that Star Wars feeling that 4-6 had. Maybe that because of the better graphics. Maybe because of the different actors. Maybe because I'm older now. Who knows. I'm keeping my hopes up for this one to be an excellent ending to a legacy.


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