Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Getting Ready for a Trip

This Monday I get to travel to Pittsburgh for a week. This will be the first car trip I am taking with the entire family. My wife and I have taken a few short car trips with just the baby aboard and each one has been great. This time all four kids will be there. I have to go to Cranberry Township for a week for training. My wife figured it would be easier to take the kids with then for her to take care of all four by herself.

Normally, for a trip like this, I have everything planned out. What time I'm leaving, where I'm going, when I'm going to arrive, etc. I usually know approximately where I plan on stopping on the way there, what I plan on doing each night after work, etc. However, I don't really have a clue on how often we will need to stop with all four kids. Will they be good the entire trip? How much longer will the trip be? Normally, the drive should take 7 1/2 hours. With normal stops maybe 8 - 8 1/2 hours. Now, I'm not so sure.

Certainly I'll have to play much of this trip by ear. This is the first time the twins will be on a long car trip as far as I know. Michael is usually excellent in the car. David is great as well. Each of the three older kids will have games, videos, books, etc to keep them busy. I'm hoping it will be enough to help keep them happy. I know a frustrated or bored kid on a long car trip can certainly make it feel longer. I'm sure me and my sibs did the same for our parents when we would go on trips like this.

Anyways, it should make for an interesting trip either way. If anyone has any suggestions to help, please let me know. Thanks.


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