Monday, January 03, 2005

Welcome 2005!

I figured since this is the beginning of the new year I would actually start writing things on here. December is always such a busy time for me. Numerous birthdays and other celebrations take place in December. (Birthdays that I know of in December include David (my youngest son), my Father, my nephew, my brother-in-law, my best friend, and my own.) Add in Christmas and New Years and time just flies by. In January things start getting back to normal. Work 5 days a week, take down the tree, clean up the house. Find places for all the new stuff we got from the holidays. Usually I try to start my spring cleaning a little early.

Kids went back to school today. A rude awakening for one of them. Typically they go to bed around 8:30pm and wake up around 6:30am. However, for the last two weeks they have been off of school so no one has made them get up in the morning. Now, this morning we had to get them up and ready to go like before. It wasn't too bad, except that one of them has gotten into the habit of being totally uncontrollable in the morning. I think one of the reasons that happens is because when he goes to bed he doesn't go to sleep for at least an hour. Then when the morning comes he is not fully rested. He wakes up scream and crying, eats breakfast screaming and crying, gets dressed screaming and crying, but when he goes out to the bus, he is fine. Sometimes I just don't understand it. It can be very difficult to deal with sometimes.

Work is going to get very busy. I'm a software support technician. I take support calls to help solve runtime errors, database issues, etc for my employer. The person I was training to assist me with this is leaving the company at the end of the week. Then I have to go out of town for a week later this month for training, then I have more training coming up afterwards. I have a feeling it's going to be a busy couple of months here at work.

Anyways, back to the grind. If you're reading this, go ahead and put in a comment.


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