Monday, April 24, 2006

Gigglesnort Hotel

So, who remembers the Gigglesnort Hotel? Pete? Paul? Anyone? I used to love watching that show a long, long time ago. I was too young for Cartoon Town, but the followup show was pretty cool from what I remember.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Drunken Monkey Madness!!!

Check out this post on

Someone stole our concept. How can this happen????

Monday, April 17, 2006

Springtime, Grilling, and Chili

Well, it's now the day after Easter. Usually, this is where I see the real beginning of spring. The time change and the warmer weather usually bring lots of changes. The kids get real confused when I get home from work and it's still daylight outside. They keep asking me why I'm coming home when it's morning time. Plus, I get to grill more often.

Certainly I could grill in the winter, but it can get pretty cold in the house with the back door open like that, so I try to avoid it. Now that Spring is here, let the grilling commence. I've been trying to think of new things to cook on the grill. Maybe change up my usual offerings of smoked sausage, burgers, hot dogs, chicken, & steak. Oh, and of course brats. Beer brats are my favorite. Any suggestions from my readers on other things to make on the grill?

I'm also looking for good chili recipes. I like a good chili every now and then. I tend to not make them very spicy, a good sweet chili is probably what I lean towards. Anyone have any pointers or recipes they would like to share?