Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Full Auto Demo downloadable for the Xbox 360

Check out this article on

Sega's Full Auto is a game for the Xbox 360 that is being released in February. Starting sometime around January 25th, you can download a demo of it through Xbox Live. Now, this actually brings a couple cool things to light:

1. Xbox 360 with Xbox live will allow you to download demo games. No more having to buy magazines or hoping that the game stores will have a demo copy available. A hell of a nice feature.

2. Full Auto looks like a Car Wars style game. I'm definitely interested in this game. I have always liked Sega's driving games in the past. This one looks like it rocks!

Unfortunately, I have no Xbox 360 yet, but looking towards the future.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Cooking Oil to Cool a Computer?

Check out this article on Tom's Hardware Guide.

I've heard of using fans or water cooling units to cool a computers' components, but never cooking oil. Check out the funky clear case. Damned impressive but probably messy and expensive.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Mouse Revenge

Check out this news article on

An 80 year old man catches mouse and throws it into a burning pile of leaves to kill it. Mouse escapes from the fire, burning, and runs into the house setting it ablaze. House burns to the ground. Wow!

Moral of the story: Use shovel to whack mouse over the head before throwing into the fire.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

What Kind of Robot Am I

Biomechanical Lifelike Unit Engineered for Logical Assassination and Rational Killing

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Welcome 2006!

Well, 2005 was a very hectic year for me and mine. Here's looking for 2006 to be a little more laid back.

I did see a damn funny thing at Best Buy over the weekend. Now, I'm sure everyone who reads this blog remembers the Mattel Handheld Football game from way back in the late '70s. Check out this link to see what I'm talking about. They made baseball and basketball versions of the game as well.

Well, now you can get the 3-in-1 classic game that plugs into your tv.

I've heard of bringing back classic games, but LED based games on your tv? Kinda freaky.