Tuesday, November 15, 2005

More Portable Porn!

Check out this article on msnbc.com.

First they had porn for laptops. Then porn for your PSP. Now you can also get porn for your video Ipod.

My favorite quoite in the article:

"I can't see anybody wanting to watch while they're sitting at the airport," Whittington said. "I just don't see how it's going to be all that popular."


Blogger Paul said...

Is this Whittington guy nuts? Adult-content software for your portable device - or 'Pornables' (Pete-help me copywrite that name!) are gonna be a hit. Same as VHS, CDs, and the internet made it all more accessable in their own ways. Yeah, they won't be for sale at Jewel or Target, but if Suncoast doesn't have 'em by year's end (if not already), I'll be shocked.

No, people aren't going to watch and jerk off at the airport, at least not in the public waiting areas, but it's a lot more discreet and offers more benefits than traveling with your dirty mags or buying them at the hotel when you arrive.

5:18 PM  
Blogger Philip Young said...

The best part about that quote is that it's from a guy who's basically the porn librarian.

9:09 AM  

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